Zebra Plant

Botanical Name: Sanchezia Speciosa

Sanchezia Speciosa, a plant native to Peru and Ecuador, is a perennial shrub known as the Zebra Plant.  With large elliptical leaves which grow on either side of the Zebra Plant’s stem, it owes its name to the golden veins which run across the deep green surface of each leaf.  The Zebra Plant has a set of equally striking flowers wherein a broad yellow centre is contained in red-orange cups.

The Zebra Plant will thank its owner for maintaining relatively warm conditions.  Its soil should be moist but well-draining; a loamy soil works well for this – and water should be given moderately, with some drying of the soil in between each watering.  The Zebra Plant enjoys a good amount of light and is unlikely to be damaged by full sunlight. Owners in drier climates will need to regulate humidity levels for this tropical plant.

Plant Care

Well lit indirect light, no sun no fun

Likes to be kept moist

Well drained

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