Stephania Erecta

Botanical Name: Stephania Erecta

Stephania is a genus of perennial vines which grow from bulbs known as a ‘caudex’. The leaves of species of Stephania grow in a spiral pattern around the stem of the plant. They are known as peltate leaves, which means that they take a fairly circular shape and are attached to the stem of the plant on their undersides. They are nature to the Southern Hemisphere, usually being found in Australasia and Southeast Asia.

Stephania Erecta

Botanical Name: Stephania Erecta

The Stephania Erecta plant, which can be quite difficult to source, has a set middle to light green peltate leaves.  New owners may be surprised at the size and texture of the Erecta’s caudex, which looks a bit like a hybrid between a potato and a coconut, but much bigger.  Even a caudex which looks mouldy will produce a very impressive Stephania Erecta, given care.

The Stephania Erecta, which grows in Southeast Asia, should not be kept in bright light.  However, it likes plenty of water, a high humidity level, and plenty of heat.  This means that it might not be suitable for owners in cooler climates whose principal method of heat regulation is through UV lamps, which can damage the Stephania Erecta.  Alongside regular watering, it is advised that the Stephania Erecta should be kept in a lidded pot to allow the water to create a humid environment upon evaporation.

Plant Care

Diffused natural light

Twice a week

Well drained mixed with peat

Like in the film ‘Cocoon’, this extra-terrestrial looking pod is to be buried only 20% below the surface of the soil, rough side up. It’s a slow burner so you need patience before you see an alien appear (aka nice fresh green shoot)