Arrowhead Plant

Botanical Name: Syngonium Podophyllum

Known as the Arrowhead Plant, this South American creeper has a set of very striking leaves.  Shaped like arrowheads, its leaves are variegated with white and green in a pattern which almost resembles the lines seen on ice which has been rapidly frozen, or even the string in a very complicated game of Cat’s Cradle.

The Arrowhead Plant requires a minimum temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, so those in cool areas may want to regulate its temperature.  It likes a loamy, but well-draining soil, and its pot should also allow for this; being an evergreen plant, it needs year-round watering, so winter will not allow respite from an overly moist soil.  Partially shady conditions are optimal for this plant.

Arrowhead Plant

Plant Care

LightMedium to bright indirect light. No direct sunlight

WaterWater thoroughly once a week. Soil can stay slightly moist in warm conditions

SoilPeat based potting mix

Pet FriendlyToxic if ingested

NoteThe juvenile leaves of this boy is sharp, stripey and nippy, but as he ages, his leaves become rounder, resembling our sedentary, middle aged forms.