String of Pearls

Botanical Name: Senecio Rowleyanus

Known alternately as String of Pearls, Senecio Rowleyanus is a perennial succulent native to Southwest Africa.  Its bright green, pea-sized leaves are unique not for their colour, but because they are almost completely spherical, an adaptation taken on to enable them to cope with dry conditions.  The String of Pearls also grows very small but very pretty white flowers, which bloom in clusters. The String of Pearls is a creeper, so it will grow across the soil.

The String of Pearls is generally a fairly hardy plant, able to cope with a variety of temperatures and never too demanding of water.  However, it must be kept in temperatures above freezing and watered no more than once a month. It should be kept in a dry, sandy soil which drains well, and should have no more than a few hours of sunlight per day.  These qualities make the String of Pearls a good plant for busy students looking to add a bit of colour to their dorms, so long as they are prepared to maintain the soil.

String of Pearls

Plant Care

LightCatch her hanging out in the sun with cousins in bright indirect light

WaterEvery 2 weeks, else monthly

SoilCactus mix ideal, else a well draining mix

Pet FriendlyToxic if ingested