Epipremnums, which are a genus of climbing perennials in the araceae family, are often colloquially called Pothos. This is a misnomer and should not be confused with the genus of plant also called Pothos, which is a member of the same family. Epipremnum Aureum is the species which most commonly falls victim to this.
Epipremnum plants are most commonly found in tropical forests in the wild, spanning across Asia from Southern China, and then onto Australia.
Marble Queen Pothos
Botanical Name: Epipremnum Aureum
This is the most common Pothos plant. It shares the ‘Devil’s Ivy’ moniker with the Cebu Blue, but it is very different. The Marble Queen’s leaves are coloured in green and white and grow on vines which drape down around the plant. It has leathery, heart-shaped leaves and is known to significantly improve surrounding air quality.
Marble Queen likes bright, indirect light, but not direct sunlight. As with other Epipremnum plants, they like to have dry surroundings, so the top of the soil should be allowed to dry between each watering. The Marble Queen likes a temperature over 18 degrees Celsius – lower temperatures will damage its leaves.
Note: Pothos Neon is a variant of Epipremnum Aureum, with the difference being that its leaves are golden.
Plant Care
Low to bright indirect light. Direct light will burn her leaves.
Shower her once a week
Regular & well-drained
Toxic to pets if ingested
Forgiving and low maintenance—a perfect fit for new plant parents.