It will come as a relief to plant owners that the genus Monstera does not bear any resemblance to Godzilla, King Kong, or Little Shop of Horrors’ human-eating plant from outer space. The name ‘Monstera’ refers instead to the genus’ abnormally shaped leaves, which usually grow with ready-made holes.
Monstera Siltepecana
Botanical Name: Monstera Siltepecana
The Monstera Siltepecana, otherwise known as the Swiss-Cheese Plant, has a blue-green colouring with silvery marking when it is young. As it matures, it grows into a 4-foot-tall climbing plant – and is just as wide. As its leaves lose their bluish tinge, they also lose their silvery markings, growing in their place the Monstera’s signature holes (giving rise to the moniker of ‘Swiss-Cheese Plant’).
The Monstera Siltepecana does not require specialist soil and should be given a light watering, daily. It likes a good amount of sunlight, so it’s best kept in a room which receives a lot of natural light – it’s probably best not to put it right next to a window, however, as being a particularly large plant, this has the potential to block the amount of light it receives on one side. Being that the leaves are this plant’s main attraction, the fact that it is evergreen is positive – however, in spring and summer, small white flowers also come into bloom.
Plant Care
A bright room with plenty of shade
When dry to the touch it’s time to give it a drink
Average / well-drained
Toxic if ingested.
Interesting Fact: Did you know that Monsteras have muscles!