Sansevieria plants belong to the family asparagaceae – the same family as the asparagus. The type of plant varies from species to species, but the genus does contain a notable number of succulents. Originating in Africa, and South Asia, some species of the Sansevieria genus also take common names such as Devil’s tongue, Djinn’s tongue and Snake Tongue.
Most species of Sansevieria have foliage shaped in a rosette, but whether the leaves are thick or soft depends on the specific climate where the species are grown. Similarly, care for plants in the Sansevieria genus is also climate dependent.
Owners should be sure not to confuse plants in the Sansevieria genus with plants in the Dracaena genus, as their similar appearances give way to dramatically different care requirements.
Mother in Law’s Tongue
Botanical Name: Sansevieria Trifasciata
This sharp plant, which hails from Tropical West Africa, is known by its common name of ‘Mother in Law’s Tongue’. It is an evergreen perennial, so it will endure for many years – much like the cutting words one might receive from one’s (human) Mother-in-law.
Though the Mother in Law’s Tongue is rosette shaped, its large, thick leaves grow vertically and stand relatively upright. Each leaf is sharp and somewhat resembles a sword, with some leaves also having grooved edges. The leaves on the Mother in Law’s Tongue are very deep green, with intriguing variegation in the form of lighter – almost greyish – bands. The cultivar ‘ Sansevieria Light Green’ does not display this variegation and is (predictably) lighter in colour.
The Mother in Law’s Tongue is drought-resistant, and it will rot if watered too much. As such, its soil should be extremely well-draining. In exchange for these requirements, it will continue to thrive in low light and will experience no issues when kept at room temperature.
Plant Care
Bright indirect light
Better too little water than too much
Very well drained
Mildly toxic
I make the air you breathe. You owe me. Like the ‘mother-in-laws’ tongue, this one can be quite sharp.