The Philodendron has the second largest number of species in any genus in the Araceae family.
Though the specific number is unknown, Philodendrons usually have very large leaves and the appearance of leaves on a single plant can vary dramatically as maturation of Philodendron leaves does not occur uniformly across the plant.
The berries on Philodendron plants are often toxic. Philodendrons are native to the American tropics.
Although Philodendron plants don’t like complete sun or complete shade, they grow well in almost any light, and a slower than expected rate of growth can almost always be remedied by increasing the amount of light it receives.
Philodendron Silver
Botanical Name: Philodendron Silver
This plant is commonly confused with the Satin Pothos (Scindapsus Pictus) due to the similar colouring and leaf-shape of either plant. The Philodendron Silver has slightly smaller leaves than the Satin Pothos, and its markings take the form of dotted splashes of silver as opposed to Satin’s more splotchy markings. Otherwise, the plants are difficult to distinguish from one another.
Philodendron Silver does not like overly moist soil, so owners should wait for soil to dry to at least half of its depth between each watering as a minimum; the more shade there is, the less the Philodendron Silver needs to be watered. A pot with drainage holes and a finely textured soil will help in regulating drainage. Philodendron Silver likes bright but indirect light, making it a great addition to corners of sunny rooms or hanging baskets beneath window sills.
Plant Care
Medium to bright indirect light, but nothing blinding
Keep moderately moist but allow it time to dry out between waterings
All purpose compost
Unfortunately not, very toxic if ingested
The George Clooney of the house plant which only gets better with age. This one does his own stunts learning to climb up or trail down